What is Testify Unashamed?

Testify Unashamed has a mandate to expose the spiritual warfare over your life. Ephesians 6:12 makes it clear, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. It's imperative as a believer to know the defensive and offensive weapons at your disposal to win the battles against spiritual wickedness and win!

Through our seasonal podcast and educative materials, we aim to empower and stir up the believer's faith and confidence in our weapons of warfare. We also bring to reality the victory that is freely available through Christ Jesus in all areas of our daily life.

Identity is found in God's love

God is love, and from the foundation of eternity His aim is to show humanity His love. From the the garden to the cross, Abba's focus is to bring us back to our original identity as His beloved.


Through faith we receive salvation. Through faith we please God, through faith we bring eternity to reality.


As sons of The Most High, we all have a unique assignment in alignment with Genesis 1:26. Intentionality is required to discover that purpose and walk consciously in it each season under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Building Pillars

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